Ready to Get Your BODY MOVING the Way It Was Designed To Move?

Coach Brian Sherlock

What You’ll Get During This

Free Consultation Call

On your one-on-one call with me (via Zoom), we will discuss what you feel your limitations are and problems that they may be causing. I'll also have you complete a series of functional exercises during the zoom session to allow me to identify mobility limitations, and we'll discuss what i see and how I may be able to help you move better.

So if you’re looking for a customized mobility program that will help you improve function and performance while reducing pain and tightness, choose a date in the calendar below to book a call so we can discuss your goals.

Book Your Free Consultation:

Pick a Date and Time


Available Starting times for Sat, Jul 27, 2024

What You Should Do Before the Call

In order to have a productive consultation, I'll need to learn about you and your reasons for seeking a coach at this time. Please give this some thought and be prepared to talk freely about what you're looking for!

What Happens During the Call

During the 60-75 minute call, we will talk about you. I'll ask a lot of questions and take you through a series of functional exercises in order to identify mobility limitations. I'll also take time to answer any questions you may have for me!

What Happens After the Call

When our conversation is over, I hope to have a solid understanding of how I can help you improve your mobility. If we're a good fit, we'll take the next step in creating your fully personalized program.

About Brian Sherlock

As a long time endurance athlete, exercise physiologist, and physical therapist assistant, Brian understands the need for proper mobility without pain and stiffness.

With over 15 years of coaching experience and 20+ years in they physical therapy industry, he has helped clients from all walks of life - from seniors and those recovering from injury to seasoned athletes - to move more freely and without pain.

What Brian's Clients are Saying About

Untapped Potential Coaching





“The bottom line: I am going faster than I ever have across all triathlon distances and it all happened after I switched to Brian Sherlock Endurance Coaching.

As a seasoned triathlete that has experienced a variety of different coaching methodologies and personalities, Brian Sherlock Endurance Coaching has been the best fit for me. Coach Brian listens to my needs and creates a plan that caters to both my lifestyle and triathlon necessities.

We have a special relationship. Brian is not only my coach he is my husband. We started our triathlon journey together over 15 years ago and I watched Brian grow his knowledge of both the sport and the idiosyncrasies of creating a training program. A few years ago when I was ready to transition to a new coach, I approached Brian about coaching me. There was no doubt that we both had a bit of apprehension taking our relationship to a new place. The rapport between that of an athlete and a coach is a bit different from that of a husband and wife. After some coercion, Brian agreed to take me on as an athlete with the understanding that if it didn’t work for either of us, I could find a new coach. It was one of the best decisions that I–we–have made.

As a coach, Brian is attentive to not just needs and requests, but also the numbers. When you tell him that you feel fine or that you’re not tired and your TrainingPeaks numbers say otherwise, he digs deeper into the conversation. I think this helps him to get to know his athletes on a different level. He is a coach that can decipher what your body needs throughout the training process in order to perform well at the next event. He creates programs that are specific to each athlete, there is no cookie-cutter programming coming out of this coach. Brian is great at providing reasoning for his workouts, I know because I have a tendency to ask a lot of questions. His background as an Exercise Physiology and Physical Therapy Assistant shine through in his training programs. You can see the physiological goals as well as the injury prevention interwoven within the needed training intensity and volume.

There is no doubt that Brian Sherlock gets me as a person and as an athlete. He rationalizes my irrational moments while readying my mind and body to perform at races.”


Ironman Triathlete

“I have worked with Brian for a few race seasons and would like to attest to his amazing coaching abilities. I have completed 10 half, a full and countless sprint triathlons, as well as multiple half and a marathon to date.

I worked with another coach that required a large fee and resulted in a number of physical injuries due to overuse. I was promised a customized training plan that was not cooperative with my schedule. Times and mileages of the workouts never seemed to be geared towards my current abilities or level(s) of fitness. I was also constantly heckled to upgrade my gear and pressured into buying coach sponsored nutrition products

Brian is the exact opposite of the aforementioned.

He is accommodating to your schedule even with last minute changes. He’s approachable, friendly, sincere and willing to work towards goals you set for yourself. While working with Brian, I never felt beaten, broken down or low on energy. Each workout he designed seemed as a pick me up, rather than a tear down on my body. If there is anything you are unsure of or have questions to, he is quick to respond and knowledgeable. In the first two months of working together Brian was able to knock a full hour off my 70.3 time, setting my current personal best.

If you’re looking for someone willing to work with you, keep your body injury free and helping you reach for personal best, I strongly suggest working with Brian for any and all your endurance training needs.”



What Are You Waiting For?

Let’s Improve Your Mobility & Flexibility!

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